You are not alone
(Du er ikke alene) Alemania título: Du bist nicht allein
Rusia título: Ты не один
Título original: Du er ikke alene
Título alternativas:
Du står inte ensam
Liebesfilm – Dänemark
Año de producción: 1977
Duración: 94 minutos
Dirección: Ernst Johansen, Lasse Nielsen
Guionista: Lasse Nielsen, Bent Petersen
Fotografía: Henrik Herbert
Música: Sebastian (Knud Torben Christensen)
A tender movie about a 12-year-old boy, Kim, coming of age. Set in a Danish boys’ boarding school where Kim’s father is the headmaster, the boy lives in a seperate house with his parents on school grounds. Friendships are soon forged with a number of the boaders, one in particular is 15 year old Bo who recognises Kim as special. The friendship causes Kim to sneak out into Bo’s bed late at night where a tender and mutual relationship emerges. In an unrelated incident, a student is expelled for displaying pornographic posters and the other students decide to protest and hold a strike. Kim and Bo decide to come out to the school and in front of parents and classmates, show a video they made about their relationship that concludes with a long and passionate kissing scene.
The film shows the story of life on a Danish boarding school for boys in the seventies. The focus is on the conflict between the headmasters old fashioned view of life and the much more liberal views of the boys. At one point the boy Ole is expelled for hanging pornographic pictures in the bathroom, but the boys won’t let him be expelled and unite against the old fashioned views of the headmaster. Finally the teachers have to let Ole stay. We also follow Bo (15) and Kim (12) who is the headmasters son. They become very intimate and even though it is clearly more than just a friendship it is portrayed in a very innocent manner. There relationship is not portrayed as a struggle with sexual identities, but rather as something natural. They do not hide it from the other boys at school who seem to consider it normal. The film ends with all the boys at school showing a film they have made about one of the commandments in which we see Bo and Kim in an intimate but still innocent looking embrace and kiss. The film is shown for the teachers and parents.Chicos actores
Año de nacimiento: 1961
Edad del actor:
sobre 16 año
Año de nacimiento: 1966
Edad del actor:
sobre 11 año
Fecha de nacimiento: 15.05.1959
Edad del actor:
sobre 18 año
Fecha de nacimiento: 30.10.1963
Edad del actor:
sobre 13 año
Más información
Kommentare zum Film
Dieser wunderschöne Film sollte in keiner Filmsammlung fehlen. Erstaunlich, daß es jetzt eine DVD davon gibt, wo dieser Film doch eine dem deutschen Gesetz nach verbotene Liebesbeziehung darstellt.
Absoluter Topfilm. Er zeigt nicht nur der Zusammenhalt einer Klasse, die sich erfolgreich für ihre Mitschüler einsetzt, sondern zeigt in feinfühliger Weise auch das Aufkommen einer Liebesbeziehung zweier Jungs und ihr außergewöhnliches Outen an einem Elternabend.
Die beiden Jungs interpretieren ihre Rollen hervorragend und glaubwürdig. Ein sehenswerter Film!
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